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Customer Success Metrics: Key KPIs to Measure and Track

Measuring how well a company meets customer needs is important for business growth.

Customer success teams use several metrics to gain these insights. Important ones are:

  • Customer Lifetime Value

  • Net Promoter Score

  • Churn rate

  • Customer Effort Score

These metrics help understand customer satisfaction, product usage, and loyalty. Tracking these numbers allows businesses to improve services, boost customer relationships, and drive revenue.

Here's a closer look at the KPIs that matter most.

Understanding Customer Success Metrics

Understanding customer success metrics involves looking at Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These include:

  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

  • Customer Retention Rate

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

  • Renewal Rate

Metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) help explain customer loyalty and long-term value. NPS gauges customer satisfaction and chances of recommending the product or service. CLV measures the overall revenue a customer will bring over their lifetime with the company.

Regularly tracking these metrics is important. It helps the business understand customer needs and improve products or services. Monitoring customer churn rate is important to reduce losses and boost retention. Keeping an eye on the Customer Effort Score (CES) shows how easy it is for customers to get support.

First Contact Resolution (FCR) rate and self-service rate indicate the efficiency of customer support. SaaS businesses often look at performance metrics to identify trends and improve customer experience. Analyzing these customer success KPIs helps maintain healthy relationships and drive business growth.

How to Measure Customer Success

Customer success can be measured with several key metrics.

Companies often track Customer Lifetime Value , Customer Retention Rate, Churn Rate, and Customer Satisfaction Score.

Metrics like Net Promoter Score and Customer Effort Score give insights into customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Businesses can set up dashboards to track these metrics. These dashboards show Customer Health Scores, self-service rate, and First Contact Resolution rate.

Analyzing these metrics helps understand product performance, customer support effectiveness, and revenue growth.

Qualitative feedback, like customer emails and support tickets, adds depth to these metrics.

It helps understand customer experiences and can identify areas needing improvement.

Customer success KPIs, combined with qualitative feedback, offer a comprehensive view of customer satisfaction and business performance.

Maintaining strong relationships with existing customers can reduce customer churn and foster long-term loyalty.

For SaaS businesses, focusing on customer acquisition cost and expansion MRR ensures sustainable growth and retention.

Finally, understanding Customer Health and monitoring interactions help businesses adapt to customers' needs, improving both products and services.

Customer Retention Rate

Companies can improve their customer retention rate in several ways:

  • Enhance customer satisfaction.

  • Refine customer support.

  • Personalize interactions.

  • Offer high-quality products or services.

Monitor customer success metrics such as:

  • CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score)

  • NPS (Net Promoter Score)

  • Customer health score

  • Churn rate

  • FCR rate (First Contact Resolution rate)

  • Customer lifetime value

SaaS businesses should focus on subscription renewals and expansion MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue).

A high customer retention rate benefits a company's revenue and growth. It reduces the need for new customer acquisition, which is often more expensive. Satisfied and loyal customers are likely to make more purchases, stay longer, and increase their lifetime value.

Key metrics for analyzing customer retention include:

  • Renewal rate

  • Customer churn rate

  • Customer Satisfaction Score

Tracking these metrics helps a company understand customer behavior and improve performance. By quickly resolving support tickets and improving self-service rates, a brand can strengthen relationships and maintain its customer base. This encourages long-term loyalty and success.

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value measures the total revenue a company expects from a customer throughout their relationship.

To calculate CLV, businesses can look at:

  • Customer retention rate

  • Average purchase value

  • Frequency of interaction over time

For example, in a subscription model, a company tracks monthly fees, subtracts customer acquisition cost, and multiplies by retention duration.

Strategies to enhance CLV include:

  • Improving customer satisfaction and support

  • Offering personalized services

  • Regularly updating products to keep interest

Understanding CLV helps businesses:

  • Predict long-term revenue

  • Use resources efficiently

  • Focus on customer success metrics like NPS, customer churn rate, and renewal rates

By focusing on existing customers, businesses can:

  • Boost revenue

  • Reduce customer churn

  • Increase CSAT

  • Strengthen customer relationships

Tracking metrics like customer health score and retention rate provides insights into customer base performance. This helps guide strategies for better customer experience and support.

SAAS businesses might monitor:

  • Expansion MRR

  • Self-service rates

  • First Call Resolution rates

These practices help optimize products, maintain high FCR rates, and ensure consistent customer satisfaction.

Customer Churn Rate

Customer churn rate is calculated by dividing the number of customers lost during a period by the number of customers at the start. For example, if a company starts with 100 customers and loses 5 by the end, the churn rate is 5%.

Common reasons for customer churn include:

  • Poor customer service

  • Unmet expectations

  • Product issues

These issues are identified through customer feedback, CSAT, and NPS scores. Companies track churn by analyzing subscription renewals, customer service tickets, and FCR rates.

Strategies to reduce churn include:

  • Improving product quality

  • Enhancing customer support

  • Increasing self-service rates

  • Addressing pain points using customer health and satisfaction metrics

Regularly review KPIs like customer retention rate, lifetime value, and net promoter score. This helps in fine-tuning customer success efforts, leading to better customer relationships, retention, and overall business performance.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score measures customer loyalty. It asks customers how likely they are to recommend a product or service.

To use NPS, a company can send surveys via emails or during customer interactions. High NPS scores mean satisfied customers. Low scores show a need for better customer support or product improvements.

To understand NPS data, companies should segment the scores by customer categories. For example:

  • Lower NPS from new customers might show onboarding issues.

  • High NPS from long-term customers might indicate strong customer relationships.

NPS also links to other success metrics like Customer Retention Rate, churn rate, and CSAT. High NPS often leads to better retention and lower churn rates. This improves overall customer lifetime value and subscription renewals.

By using NPS with other metrics like Customer Health Score and Expansion MRR, businesses can better understand customer health and satisfaction. This leads to improved services and higher revenue.

Monthly Recurring Revenue

Monthly Recurring Revenue shows how much a company earns monthly from its customers. It helps track business stability and growth over the past six months.

MRR includes revenue from:

  • Subscription services

  • Product renewals

  • Expansions from existing customers

To boost MRR, companies can:

  • Improve customer support

  • Enhance product features

  • Increase customer satisfaction for better retention

Other helpful actions include:

  • Offering self-service options

  • Tracking KPIs like CSAT, customer health score, and FCR rate

SaaS businesses should:

  • Reduce customer acquisition costs

  • Nurture relationships through personalized emails and effective service

Analyzing customer health and interactions helps:

  • Reduce churn

  • Increase customer lifetime value

  • Drive revenue growth

Monitoring customer success metrics helps the support team efficiently address tickets and build better customer relationships.

Customer Satisfaction Score

To calculate a Customer Satisfaction Score , a company can ask customers to rate their satisfaction with products or services on a scale, such as 1 to 5.

The score is derived by dividing the number of positive responses by the total number of responses. Then, multiply by 100 for a percentage.

When interpreting CSAT, consider factors like recent customer interactions and the ease of ticket resolution.

Other metrics like Net Promoter Score , customer effort, and feedback from emails also offer insights.

Regular monitoring of CSAT allows a business to:

  • Gauge customer satisfaction over time.

  • Identify issues with products or customer support.

  • Spot areas for improvement.

Recognizing trends in customer health metrics, renewal rates, and Customer Retention Rate can help predict customer churn and increase customer lifetime value.

Analyzing the data helps the support team understand and address customer needs. This enhances overall customer success and retention. In turn, it boosts revenue and supports business growth.

This is especially relevant for SaaS businesses focusing on subscription models. Here, customer satisfaction directly impacts churn rate and expansion MRR.

Qualitative Customer Feedback

Qualitative customer feedback often shows common themes in how customers feel about products or services.

Customers typically describe their satisfaction using metrics like:

  • CSAT

  • NPS

  • Customer Health Score

They highlight issues such as:

  • Ease of use

  • Customer support interactions

  • Effectiveness of self-service options

Common suggestions for improvement include:

  • Reducing customer churn rate

  • Enhancing customer service response times

  • Increasing the success rate of first contact resolution

Customers also mention the importance of product or service updates for maintaining customer retention and preventing churn. They value clear communication through emails and direct support from customer success teams.

Frequent requests include:

  • Better explanations of new features

  • Improved subscription renewal processes

  • More resources for the support team to handle tickets efficiently

These insights help businesses refine their customer success KPIs. This focus can increase customer lifetime value, satisfaction, and retention.

Customer Health Score

Customer success teams consider several things when calculating the Customer Health Score:

  • Customer satisfaction

  • Usage of products or services

  • Interactions with customer support

  • Renewal rates

  • Net promoter score

  • Customer lifetime value

These metrics help create a broad picture of customer health. The Customer Health Score should be updated often, ideally monthly, to capture recent trends and stay accurate.

If the Customer Health Score drops, the company should act quickly. The support team might need to:

  • Increase engagement

  • Resolve customer tickets faster

  • Improve the self-service rate

Also, enhancing the quality of products and services and strengthening customer relationships can help.

Addressing concerns from customer support emails and focusing on:

  • Customer retention rate

  • Expansion MRR

  • Reducing customer churn rate

Monitoring these KPIs helps the business respond quickly to issues and keep customer satisfaction high.

Customer Retention Cost

Customer Retention Cost (CRC) calculates expenses related to keeping existing customers happy. It includes:

  • Customer support salaries

  • Customer success teams

  • Emails

  • Self-service tools

  • Cost of handling tickets

Lowering CRC can improve business profitability and growth. Better customer support and efficient issue resolution can increase customer satisfaction and reduce churn rate.

Here are some strategies:

  1. Implement self-service options.

  2. Use efficient customer success metrics like CES and FCR rate.

  3. Focus on high-value customers with customer health scores.

  4. Aim to improve NPS and CSAT by providing excellent products or services.

Improving customer relationships can increase customer lifetime value and expansion MRR. SaaS businesses should monitor customer retention rate as it predicts subscription renewals and customer satisfaction.

Reducing costs while maintaining high customer satisfaction leads to better lifetime value and a better customer experience. This drives business success.

Repeat Purchase Ratio

The Repeat Purchase Ratio shows how often customers buy from a company again.

To calculate it, divide the number of returning customers by the total number of customers.

A high Repeat Purchase Ratio means customers are satisfied and loyal. This boosts customer retention and business growth.

This ratio also helps track customer satisfaction and interactions with products or services.

To improve this ratio, companies can:

  • Offer loyalty programs.

  • Enhance customer support.

  • Regularly update products.

For example, a company might reduce response times to customer tickets or increase the self-service rate.

Tracking customer success metrics can also help. These include:

  • Net Promoter Score.

  • Customer Satisfaction Score.

  • Customer Health Score.

Understanding these metrics helps businesses tailor their services to meet customer needs. This increases the chances of repeat purchases.

Effective strategies can ensure a high Repeat Purchase Ratio. This leads to better customer relationships, higher revenue from existing customers, and a lower customer churn rate.

It also helps optimize Customer Lifetime Value and reduce Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) by leveraging the existing customer base.

Using Software Tools for Customer Success Metrics


Gainsight website

Gainsight makes it easier to measure customer success metrics. It provides tools to capture data on customer satisfaction, churn rate, and customer health scores.

Here are some key features of Gainsight:

  • Tracks metrics like Customer Lifetime Value , Net Promoter Score , and Customer Satisfaction Score.

  • Offers detailed dashboards for tracking Customer Retention Rate, churn rates, and customer health scores.

  • Uses customer support data, such as first contact resolution rates and customer effort scores , to enhance customer interactions.

  • Integrates customer service performance and subscription metrics, so support teams can streamline ticket management and email communications.

  • Tracks Monthly Recurring Revenue and expansion MRR for SaaS businesses, helping manage churn rates and boost customer loyalty.

  • Measures customer lifetime value and customer acquisition costs to optimize resources for retaining and expanding the customer base.


Zoom website

Zoom helps measure customer success with various tools and features. It lets businesses track customer engagement and satisfaction using metrics like Customer Lifetime Value and Net Promoter Score. These metrics show customer experience and support effectiveness.

Companies can monitor churn rate and customer retention rate using detailed analytics and reporting.

To improve customer retention and satisfaction, Zoom offers real-time support through chat and video. This instant help can boost Customer Effort Score and Customer Satisfaction Score. Zoom also has self-service options like webinars and knowledge bases. These options reduce support tickets and increase self-service rates.

Zoom’s integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems helps track customer health scores and other KPIs. This improves product or service offerings. Tools to analyze customer feedback and renewal rates help businesses understand customer loyalty and predict future revenue. This ensures long-term relationships with their customers.


What are some key customer success metrics to measure and track?

Key customer success metrics to measure and track include customer satisfaction , Net Promoter Score , customer retention rate, and product usage statistics.

How do customer success KPIs differ from other types of business metrics?

Customer success KPIs focus specifically on metrics related to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, while other business metrics may include revenue, profit margins, and market share. For example, a customer success KPI could be Net Promoter Score , while a business metric could be financial revenue.

Why is it important to track customer success metrics?

Tracking customer success metrics is important to measure the effectiveness of customer satisfaction strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. For example, tracking metrics like Net Promoter Score can help determine customer loyalty and pinpoint areas needing attention.

What tools or software can be used to help track and analyze customer success KPIs?

Some tools that can be used to track and analyze customer success KPIs include Salesforce, HubSpot, and Gainsight.

How can businesses use customer success metrics to improve overall customer satisfaction and retention?

Businesses can use customer success metrics like Net Promoter Score, Customer Satisfaction Score, and Customer Churn Rate to identify areas for improvement, enhance service offerings, and personalize customer experiences.

For example, analyzing NPS feedback can pinpoint pain points and prioritize service enhancements for increased satisfaction and retention.

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